Our Objective

Loan Bazaar


🏍 टू व्हीलर वाहन 
🚘 प्राइवेट कार
🚛 कॉमर्शियल वाहन
🚜 ट्रैक्टर
🏎 जे सी बी
* 🏥 स्वास्थ्य बीमा।

Personal Loan Business Loan



Social Welfare

1. To create awareness and prevention of malpractice like child labour, beggary,
dowry system, prostitution, discrimination, death-feast and exploitation of
children, women and elderly etc. in the society.
2. To create awareness about the sacrifice of patriots, soldiers and martyrs and
inculcate the feeling of patriotism in the society.
3. To promote tree plantation in the interest of the society and to create
awareness to prevent misuse and pollution of natural resources.
4. To do all possible work for the betterment of humanity and development of
the society.
5. To establish mutual coordination between society, administration and politics
for proper implementation of all social welfare schemes of the government
and honoring honest citizens, social workers and organizations working for
the welfare of the society in their respective areas.


1. To start and promote charitable establishments, organizations and institution
providing and providing medical treatment, medical facilities, Para medical
facilities, health facilities and ancillary services.
2. To promote and establish of all types of research and development work of
institutions connected with the medical field and all facilities of drugs.
3. To prevent corruption, black marketing and commercialization in the health
system, to create awareness for the government to make a law on the right to
health and give health the status of social service.
4. To create awareness and organize medical camps for blood donation, body
organs donation, donation of medicine and other health essentials for the
betterment of health services.
5. Providing medical assistance to helpless, accident and needy patients and
creating awareness to help such patients.


1. To run, establish and promote schools, college, universities to introduce
sports and vocational education, self-defense and skill training and career
guidance education system in the present education system through publicity,
advertisement and administration. So that with the help of these techniques,
students do not have any problem in doing jobs or business in future and
increasing unemployment can be stopped.
2. Preparation of reports on violation of education law by educational
institutions, state authority and its agencies along with educational
fundamental rights norms.
3. Proper implementation of the Right to Education Act, 2009 through
awareness and administration in all educational institutions to provide equal
free education to all children.
4. To bring awareness to prevent corruption and commercialization in the
education system and give education a social service status.
5. Enrolling poor children in schools for education and providing educational
materials to needy students.

Human Rights

1. Creating awareness, proper implementation of human rights, promoting
human rights education, increasing knowledge and understanding about
human rights among people and preventing human rights abuses and
challenging policies affecting human rights.
2. To prepare reports on the violation of human rights by the state and its
agencies, the police and criminal justice system, inconsistence with human
rights norms.
3. To examine the inter dependence and linkages between human rights and
democracy, pluralism, development, ecological balance, peace and harmony
at the national and international levels.
4. To ensure comprehensiveness and incorporation of national, regional and
international perspectives related to human rights.
5. Providing legal aid and advice relating to human rights to peoples.

Anti Crime

1. To create social awareness about the effects of crime and its prevention
techniques as per Indian law. Setting up an Anti-Crime and Anti-Corruption
Committee to consider whether the bill amending the Law “On Prevention
and Combating Corruption” and the Rules of Procedure are in accordance
with Indian law.
2. To help the administration and its agencies in the enforcement of law and
order, road safety and traffic rules and social welfare schemes in the society
as well as prevention of other social crimes.
3. Investigating and researching crime to reach the truth and informing or
submitting reports with all the evidence and proof to concerned district/ state
/centre government department /authority /honorable Court and media etc.
4. To prepare reports on the violation of criminal law by the state and its
agencies, the police and criminal justice system.
5. To ensure comprehensiveness and incorporation of national, regional and
international perspectives related to social crimes.